In this case you simply delegate the work to another function called displayResults. 在本例中,将此工作简单地委托给另一个名为displayResults的函数就可以了。
Depending on your class, you may also want to delegate part of the computation to the equals() or hashCode() function of the superclass. 根据您使用的类,您可能希望降低superclass的equals()或hashCode()功能一部分计算能力。
Multicast delegates wrap all the functions that have been added to the delegate in a single function call. 多播委托将添加给委托的所有方法包装在一个单独的方法调用里面。
EventHandler is a delegate for a function that takes an Object ( the sender) and EventArgs 这里EventHandler是某个函数的委托,该函数带有参数:Object(也就是sender)和EventArgs
The constructor is used to form a delegate over a target object and a function pointer. 这构造器用来通过一个目标对象和一个函数指针形成一个委托。
As the advanced delegate of measuring instruments virtual instruments which are the outcome of tight combination of computer software, hardware and bus technology preserve good characteristic of measure. The core of virtual instruments is to realize measuring function by means of software. 作为测试测量仪器先进代表的虚拟仪器是仪器技术与计算机软、硬件技术和总线技术紧密结合的产物,具有优越的测试特性,其核心在于用软件实现测试功能。